Drug Introduction-北京振国医院_珠海振国医院_珠海振国肿瘤医院_振国肿瘤医院_肝癌晚期_肺癌晚期_胃癌_乳腺癌_食道癌_宫颈癌_的治疗_振国医院_王振国_振国肿瘤_北京振国中西医结合肿瘤医院_北京振国肿瘤医院
Series of Anti-cancer Medicines 2
Series of Anti-cancer Medicines 1
Series of Anti-cancer Medicines 2 Group Profile > Series of Anti-cancer Medicines 2

Series of Anti-cancer Medicines (Wangzhenguo brand)


【药品名称】 复方氟尿嘧啶注射液(Compound Fluorouracil Injection)
    【成 份】 本品为复方制剂,其组分为每10ml内含氟尿嘧啶40mg,人参多糖40mg。辅料为油酸、胆固醇、维生素E、大豆磷脂、聚山梨酯80、聚维酮K30、磷酸二氢钠、磷酸氢二钠。
    【性 状】 本品为乳白色或淡黄色混悬液体,放置若分层,经振摇后仍应呈均匀的混悬液。
    【适 应 症】 用于消化道癌症(结肠癌、直肠癌、胃癌)、乳腺癌、原发性肝癌等癌症的治疗。
    【规 格】 10ml:40mg (氟尿嘧啶),10ml/支,10支/盒
    【用法用量】 静脉滴注。
    (2)周围血白细胞计数低于3500/MM3、血小板低于5万/ MM3者。
    [贮藏] 遮光、密闭,在凉暗处(避光并不超过20℃)保存。
    [有效期] 24个月
    【批准文号】 国药准字H32025827
    1、抗肿瘤作用 具有对肿瘤组织的靶向作用,可集中药力杀死癌细胞。同时具有较高的淋巴亲和性,防止肿瘤通过淋巴道的转移与复发,该药与同等剂量的氟尿嘧啶注射液相比,在癌周淋巴组织中药物浓度提高17倍。另外具有长效作用,药物在体内作用时间长达24小时。
    2、免疫调节作用 该药处方中含有人参多糖,具有强效提升机体白细胞,增强患者自身免疫能力的作用。
    3、增效作用 该药中含有的大豆磷脂、油酸、胆固醇等成分,能改善体内环境,起协同增效作用。
    Compound Fluorouracil Injection
    【Name of Drug】Compound Fluorouracil Injection
    【Ingredients】 This product is compound preparation and 10ml product contains fluorouracil 40mg and ginseng carbohy 40mg. Excipients: oletic acid, cholesterol, vitamin E, soya lecithin powder, polysorbate 80, povidone K30, sodium dihydrogen phosphate and disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate
    【Characteristics】 The product is milky white or light yellow suspension. It will be divided into two layers if remaining. An even suspension is formed after vibration and shaking.
    【Indications】 It is applied to the treatment of carcinoma of digestive tract (colon carcinoma, rectum carcinoma and gastric carcinoma), breast carcinoma, primary hepatic carcinoma, etc
    【Specification】 10ml:40mg (fluorouracil), 10ml×10pcs/box
    【Usage and Dosage】 Intravenous drop .
    Initial volume is 80mg/d and dose is increased gradually afterwards, but the maximal volume should not be over160mg/d generally. Physiological saline 500ml is added for intravenous drop, less than 60 drops/min. The treatment is given once a day. The total dose of fluoruracil in one session treatment is 3 to 4g. There are 1 to 2 weeks of interval between two sessions.
    Patient for operation: Maintenance medication starts in 2 weeks after operation, 120-160mg/time, twice a week.
    3、 Prohibition if associated with blisters or herpes zoster
    4、 Prohibition for women within first 3 month pregnancy
    1.Animal experiment discovers teratogenicity and carcinogensis of the product. But in human being, mutagenesis, teratogenicity and carcinogenesis of the product are lower apparently comparing with those of nitromins or other cellular toxic drugs. The risk of second primary malignant tumor induced by the product is less than that induced by alkylating agent, such as nitromin.
    2. Except that the single product of small dose is taken as radiosensitizer, the product is not suitable to be applied together with radiotherapy generally.
    3. Peripheral hemogram should be examined regularly before and during treatment.
    4. The product is applied cautiously in following situation:
    1) Apparent abnormality of liver function
    2) Peripheral WBC <3500/MM3 and platelet count <50,000/ MM3
    3) Infection, hemorrhage (including subcutaneous and gastrointestinal bleeding) or fever>38℃
    4) Apparent gastrointestinal obstruction
    5) Dehydration or (and) disturbance of acid-base, and electrolyte balances
    5. Aged patient should use fluoruracil cautiously. It has been reported that severe toxic risk happens in the treatment on the basis of fluoruracil specially for the patient aged over 70 years old and female patient. Hence, it is necessary to monitor closely and protect organ function.
    6. During the application of the drug, in order to reduce the probability of digestive hemorrhage, alcohol or aspirins should not be applied.
    7. Direct intravenous injection of the product is not available.
    【Storage】 Avoid light, store in cool place (≤20ºC)
    【Validity】 24 months
    【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number H32025827
    【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jiangsu Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
    【Address】 No. 139, Yuan Ji Xi Lu, Rugao, Jiangsu Province
Zip code:226502 Tel:0513-87533938
    Website:http://www.wzg.cn E-mail:th@wzg.cn
    Efficacy and Characteristics:
    The product is antitumor drug in metabolic category. It is new liposome preparation and is the example of the coordination between “target medication” and “strengthening body resistance and eliminating pathogen”. It has less side effect and strong actions on sensibilization of radiotherapy and killing tumor.
    1. Antitumor. It has targeting function to tumor tissue and can focus on killing cancer cell. Additionally, it has quite strong lymphatic affinity, prevents from metastasis and recurrence of tumor through lymphatic channel. Comparing with Fluoruracil Injection of equal dose, the drug concentration of this one in lymphoid tissue around tumor is increased by 17 times and this product has long-term efficacy of 24hr in the body.
    2. Immune adjustment. The prescription of this drug contains ginseng polysaccharide that has strong efficacy on improving leucocytes and enhancing self-immunity.
    3. Improvement of efficacy. This drug contains soya lecithin, oleic acid and cholesterol, which can improve internal environment and efficacy of treatment coordinately.


【药品名称】 苦参素注射液 ( Marine Injection)
【成    份】 本品主要成份为苦参素。辅料:无。
【性    状】 本品为几乎无色或微黄色的澄明液体。
【适 应 症】 用于慢性乙型病毒性肝炎及肿瘤放疗、化疗引起的白细胞低下和其他原因引起的白细胞减少症。
【规    格】 2ml:0.2g×6支/盒
【用法用量】 肌肉注射。用于慢性乙肝,每次0.4~0.6g(2-3支),每日1次;用于升高白细胞,每次0.2g(1支),每日2次。静脉滴注。用于慢性乙肝,每日1次,每次0.6g(3支),可溶于5%葡萄糖注射液或0.9%的氯化钠注射液100~250ml中静脉滴注,滴注速度以每分钟60滴为宜。二月为一个疗程,或遵医嘱。
【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】  孕妇不宜使用。哺乳期妇女慎用。
【儿童用药】  尚无儿童用药经验。
【老年患者用药】 减量或遵医嘱。
【药物相互作用】 尚不明确。
【贮   藏】 遮光,密闭,在阴凉处保存。
【有 效 期】 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字H20057511
1.杀伤肿瘤细胞  抑制肿瘤细胞增殖和诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡。
2.防止肿瘤的转移与复发  苦参碱可能通过减低癌细胞的粘附性和管道内皮细胞的通透性来减少肿瘤的转移。抑制肿瘤新生血管的形成。
3.预防肿瘤病人发生恶液质,改善肿瘤病人生存质量  大量研究显示晚期肿瘤患者在进行放化疗治疗的同时,使用苦参碱氯化钠注射液可明星地降低由放化疗导致的毒副作用,明显改善肿瘤病人的生存质量。
Marine  Injection
【Name of Drug】 Marine  Injection
【Ingredients】 Main ingredient of this product is Marine. Excipients: none
【Characteristics】 This product is almost colorless or slight yellow clear liquid.
【Indications】 It is applied to the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B and leukocyte decrease induced by radiochemotherapy and leucopenia induced by other reasons.
【Specification】2ml:0.2g(Marine) ×6pcs/box
【Usage and Dosage】Intramuscular injection: for chronic hepatitis B, 0.4-0.6g (2-3pcs) each time, once a day; increasing leukocytes: 0.2g (1 pcs) each time, twice a day. Intravenous injection: for chronic hepatitis B, once a day, 0.6g (3 pcs) each time, soluble in 5% glucose injection or 0.9% NaCl injection 100-250ml, 60 drops/min. Two-month treatment makes a session or in accordance with medical advice.
1. Use the product with the guide of doctor
2. The product is not recommended for those with severe renal dysfunction.
3. For long-term use, it is required to notice closely the changes in liver function. The product is prohibited for liver failure.
【Medication for Women in Pregnancy and Lactation】  The product is not suitable for pregnant women and is used cautiously for women in lactation.
【Medication for Children】  Experience is unknown in medication for children.
【Medication for Ages】 Reduce dose or obey medical advice.
【Interaction of Drugs】 Unknown
【Storage】 Avoiding light, sealing, storing in cool place
【Validity】    24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number H20057511
【Manufacturing Enterprise】  Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】   Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Characteristics of matrines:
1. Kill tumor cell, inhibit proliferation of tumor cell and induce apoptosis of tumor cell.
2. Prevent from metastasis and recurrence of tumor. Matrine reduces tumor metastasis and suppresses new vasculization of tumor probably through decreasing adhesion of tumor cell and permeability of tubal endothelial cell.
3. Prevent from cachexia in tumor patient and improve survival quality of patient. A large amount studies has been indicated that during radiochemotherapy for late stage of tumor, Matrine and Sodium Chloride Injection can reduce toxic side effects induced by radiochemotherapy apparently and improve survival quality of tumor patient.
4. Oxymatrine acts on anti-inflammation, anti-virus, protecting the liver, reducing aminotransferase and anti-hepatic fibrosis.


英文名称:Matrine  and  Sodium  Chloride  Injection
汉语拼音:Kushenjian  Lvhuana  Zhusheye
【成    份】
【性    状】 本品为无色或淡黄色澄明液体。
【适 应 症】 抗肿瘤辅助用药。用于预防肿瘤病人发生恶液质,改善肿瘤病人生存质量。
【规    格】 100ml:80mg苦参碱与0.9g氯化钠
【用法用量】 静脉滴注。一日1次,一次100ml。滴注时间不应少于40分钟。
【不良反应】 患者对本品有较好的耐受性,偶见不良反应有头晕、恶心、呕吐、口苦、腹泻、上腹不适或疼痛,少见皮疹、胸闷、发热,一般情况下症状可自行缓解。个别患者可出现注射部位发红或注射局部轻微刺激性疼痛。
【禁    忌】 对本产品过敏者禁用。
【贮  藏】遮光,密闭,在阴凉处(不超过20℃)保存。
【包  装】玻璃瓶。100ml/瓶。
【有 效 期】18个月。
网    址:www.wzg.cn


    【成    份】冰片、南星、威灵仙、天花粉、元胡、白芷、生川乌、生草乌、雄黄、枯矾
    【适宜人群】 适用于肢体肿块及头、颈、肩、腰、腿全身各部位的疼痛、麻木、活动受限等微循环障碍及疼痛的人群。
    【不适宜人群】 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及皮肤破损者
    【规    格】 50g/袋
    【使用方法】 每日1次,每次1袋,用温水调均后外敷于肿块或疼痛处,8-12小时后,剥离药粉后水洗即可。
    【贮    藏】 密封,置干燥处保存
    【有 效 期】24个月
    网    址:http://www.wzg.cn
    E-mail  :th@wzg.cn

    【Product Name】Tianxianfen of Wang Zhenguo Brand
    【Ingredients】 Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), Nanxing (Rhizoma Arisaematis), Weilingxian (Radix Clematidis), Tianhuafen (Radix Trichosanthis), Yuanhu (Rhizoma corydalis), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae), Shengchuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Shengcaowu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii), Xionghuang (Reaglar), Kufan (Alumem Calcinatum)
    【 Function of Healthcare】Improve microcirculation, release pain
    【Suitable Group】 It is applicable for swelling of limbs, general pain, pain of head, neck, shoulder, lumbar region and legs, numbness and motor limitation during microcirculatory disturbance and pain group.
    【Unsuitable Group】 Women in pregnancy and lactation and those of skin lesions
    【Usage and Dosage】 It is applied once a day, 1 bag each time. After mixed with warm water, it is applied externally to swelling or pain area; 8 to12hr later, the powder is peeled off and cleansed with water.
    【Storage】Sealing, storing in dry place
    1. The product is not suitable for those of allergic to it or extravasations of skin erosion, external hemorrhage and purulence.
    2. Avoid eyes.
    3. The product is used under adult supervision for children.
    4. Please place the product far from children.
    【Validity】24 months
    【Approval Number】Ji Wei Jian [2005]034
    【Sanitary License Number】 Ji Tong Wei Jian 2005No. 0006
    【Manufacturing Enterprise】  Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
    【Address】Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
    Zip code:134100
    E-mail: th@wzg.cn


【产品名称】  王振国牌天仙软膏
    【成    份】   威灵仙、乳香、没药、冰片、南星、雄黄、天花粉、黄芪、莪术、当归、甘草
    【保健功效】    改善微循环、缓解疼痛
    【适宜人群】 因微循环障碍引起的皮炎、湿疹、白癜风、痤疮、腋臭及疼痛的人群。
    【不适宜人群】  孕妇、哺乳期妇女及皮肤破损者。
    【规    格】  100g/支
    【使用方法】  每日1-2次,每次取3-5g软膏均匀地涂抹在皮肤上,1小时左右成膜后,剥离或水洗即可。
    【贮    藏】 避光、密闭、置阴凉干燥处
    【有 效 期】24个月
    【卫生许可证号】 吉通卫健证字2005第0006号
    网    址:http://www.wzg.cn
    E-mail  :th@wzg.cn
    Tianxian Ruangao
    【Product Name】 Tianxian Ruangao
    【Ingredients】 Weilingxian (Radix Clematids), Ruxiang (Gummi Olibanum), Moyao (Myrrha), Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), Nanxing (Rhizoma Arisaematis), Xionghuang (Reaglar), Tianhuafen (Radix Trichosanthis), Huangqi (Radix Astragali), Ezhu(Rhioxma Curcumae Aeruginosae), Danggui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis), Gancao (Glycyrrhizae uralensis)
    【 Function of Healthcare】Improve microcirculation, release pain
    【Suitable Group】Groups with dermatitis, eczema, vitiligo, acne, axillary osmidrosis and pain induced by microcirculatory disturbance
    【Unsuitable Group】Women in pregnancy and lactation and those of skin lesions
    【Specification】 100g/
    【Usage and Dosage】 1-2 times a day, 3-5g of the product each time evenly applied to skin; membrane is formed in about 1hr and it is peeled off or cleansed with water.
    【Storage】Sealing, storing in cool and dry place
    1. The product is not suitable for those allergic to it or of external hemorrhage and purulence.
    2. Avoid eyes.
    3. The product is used under adult supervision for children.
    4. Please place the product far from children.
    【Validity】    24 months
    【Approval Number】Ji Wei Jian [2005]034
    【Sanitary License Number】 Ji Tong Wei Jian 2005No. 0006
    【Manufacturing Enterprise】  Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
    【Address】   Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
    Zip code:134100


【药品名称】 蟾酥镇痛膏
【成    份】 蟾酥、生马钱子、生天南星、生川乌、雄黄、白芷、姜黄、半边莲、樟脑、冰片、薄荷脑、二甲苯麝香、盐酸苯海拉明、二甲基亚砜。
【性    状】 本品为浅黄棕色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。
【功能主治】 消肿散结,消肿止痛。适用于各种肿块的止痛消散,也用于肌肉劳损、骨刺、关节炎等引起的疼痛。
【规    格】 7cm×10cm×2贴/袋
【用法用量】 贴患处。贴敷12小时后揭去,间隔12小时后重复使用;或遵医嘱。
【不良反应】 尚不明确
【禁    忌】 孕妇及患处溃疡忌用
【注意事项】 1、使用本品后,局部可能有痛痒或灼热感,皮肤潮红,可继续使用,少数病人可能出现皮疹或疱疹等过敏反应,则暂停使用,以1%龙胆紫涂患处,数日可愈,愈后酌情使用。2、运动员慎用。
【贮    藏】 密封,置阴凉处(不超过20℃)。
【有 效 期】 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z22022113
Chansu Zhentong Gao
【Name of Drug】 Chansu Zhentong Gao
【Ingredients】 Chansu (Venenum Bufonis), Sheng Maqianzi (Unprocessed Semen Strychni), Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Xionghuang (Realgar), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae), Jianghuang (Rhizoma Curcumae longae), Banbianlian (Herba Lobellae Chinensis), Zhangnao (Camphor), Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), Perppermint Camphor, musk xylene, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, musk, dimethl sulfoxide
【Characteristics】 This product is light yellow-brown patchy plaster, fragrant in smell.
【Function and Indication】 Remove swelling and mass and stop pain. It is applied to the treatment of pain in various masses, and pain induced by muscle strain, spurs, arthritis, etc.
【Specification】 7cm×10cm×2plasters/bag
【Usage and Dosage】 Attach to the affected area, remove it 12hr later and repeat it once ever 12hr, or apply it according to medical advice.
【Contraindication】 Prohibit for pregnant women and ulceration area.
1. After use, pain, itching or burning feeling, skin red may appear locally, but the product can be applied continuously. Few patients have probably allergic reactions, such as skin rashes or herpes, thus, the product should stop using temporarily and 1% gentian violet is used in affected area. The lesion may be cured in several days and the product should be used accordingly.
2. The product is used cautiously for athletes.
【Storage】 Sealing in cool place (≤20℃)
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z22022113
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Efficacy and Characteristics:
Chanshu Zhentong Gao acts on removing swelling and mass and stopping pain.
1. Local treatment of tumor. Chansu (Venenum Bufonis), Sheng Maqianzi (Unprocessed Semen Strychni), Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Xionghuang (Realgar), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae) and Jianghuang (Rhizoma Curcumae longae) of the product have strong action on antitumor, which is absorbed by external application through skin so as to treat tumor. Chansu Zhentong Gao is applied to the skin surface that is the most near to tumor focus. The components of drug are absorbed through skin and act on cancer cell directly for local treatment.
2. Strong action on stopping pain. Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae) and diphenhydramine hydrochloride can apparently stop pain. Hence, the drug can relieve cancer pain effectively.



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